I just wanted to pop by and give a quick update.
It's official, I have some serious health problems.
I thought I was being a hypochondriac but it turns out,
there are a multitude of reasons why I have been getting sick
so stinkin' often,
so just saying, I'm here, I'm here, slowly but surely!!!
I always hope I can pick up the pace and get back to crafting like I used to,
but I guess it's gonna be a while longer yet.
Aside from lousy health, I am quite fortunate when it comes to stamping because, now, I don't know if you've spotted this cutie out in Blogland, she's called Koala Cuddles Tilda and is designed exclusively for SHOPBRON in Australia!!! Well, Bron graciously sent the amazingly talented Debbie Dolphin an extra stamp to give away and guess who won it???? Oh yes!!!! It was me!!!!! I can't express how excited I am and how thankful I am to both Debbie and Bron!!! A blog shout-out doesn't seem like enough, ya know!!! Alas, it will have to do for now. So, dear friends, if you've been eyeing this cutie,

SHOPBRON is the place to buy her!!!
Thanks again, and thanks to those who stop in today!!
Big Hugs, stephanne
I am so sorry to hear you have health problems! Good thing you had it checked out. Hope you will get better soon! Hugs, Hanneke
Oh dear, I hope your health improves SOON! It must be so frustrating, but - 'Baby steps, Baby steps!' as a good friend of mine says! Take it little by little and hopefully you'll be back to normal in no time! xxx
Congrats on winning this adorable stamp! Take care!
love MagsB x
I will keep you in my prayers, and hope you feel better soon! Hugs! Leah Ann
Oh, congrats, such a cute stamp :O)
sorry to hear you are unwell Stephanne, get well soon x
I am sorry about your health problems. Maybe Modern Medicine will have you feeling better soon. Here is wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Hi sweetie - sending some love your way! I'm so sad to hear this and very hopeful that you'll have a speedy recovery.
Hi mate, I haven't visited for a while but was thinking of you this morning and thought I would pop by your blog to wish you a Merry Christmas. So sorry to hear that you have some serious health issues, I hope that you can find some effective treatment that will see you better again. Lots of Love Tracey x
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