I've turned a new leaf and will, yes I WILL!!!
start passing on awards and sharing my good news,
so with that said, the super-talented Ila
has sent me this award, thank you!!
I am admittedly flattered she thought of me :)

The requirements are that I tell you
5 interesting things about myself and then
pass the award along to 5 other peeps, so
1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE paper!!! You can fold it, cut it, wrinkle it, tear it, colour on it, paint on it, decorate it, make decorations with it, oohhhh pretty papers...
2. I found out that my brother would go in my room as a kid and move things around just for the amusement of knowing that I would move the stuff right back into place?? That's not funny!! OCD-ish personality here.
3. I am the quintessential "weirdo", there's no sense in fighting what comes naturally, so weirdo it is. "She's different."
4. I have a cosmetology license but here's my dilemma: I can't turn you into Jessica Simpson, and to let you down lets me down, so I crapped out on that. I still LOVE to do hair and make-up, but only for "my peeps."
5. I am a Hallowe'en enthusiast. Maybe even more of a fanatic!!
Okay, so I'm passing this pup on to:
1. Fran, fellow paper addict and amazing artist,
2. Tracey, whose stunningly sophisticated cards stop me in my tracks,
3. Kellie, Boss Lady and Waffler Extraordinaire, enabler and friend,
4. Yorkie Lovin' June, The Digi Goddess and sweetest blogger around &
5. Sue, you can't escape these awards!! Sue's works are fantastic and fun, stop by for a rubber stamping adventure, even a little digi stampin' adventure, she's becoming a convert!!
And and and, I am super excited to share with you my new badge:

Ain't that the bee's knees??
Here I am thinking I am digitally-impaired...
That is one delightful thumbs up, thank you ladies!!
Happy Birthday Ellias!!!
My little turkey is 3 years old today,
my little Thanksgiving baby!!
That's why he loves pumpkin pie so much I think...
Here's my little artist at work,
all in a days work ;)
Alright, signing off for now,
got a stack of chores as long as Santa's list!!
Have a great week,
your a girl after my own heart Stephanne lol...Happy Birthday Ellias I hope you had a wonderful day
Mina xxx
A big Happy 3rd Birthday Ellias - How cute is he! Obviously takes after his tallented Mum.....Nothing wrong with being a weirdo - just means you're arty - same as being a bit 'different' who wants to be a lemming after all! Cheers Claire x
Hi Stephanie! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get over here and tell you how much a appreciated your kind words about my Vive St Anne shadowbox. You really made me feel good.
Congrats on your Top % award and Happy Birthday to cute Ellias!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Valentine Studio
My Desert Cottage
A big happy Birthday to Ellias. He is such a cutie. Hope you have a great day.
Ok firstly thank you for the award and sharing some more things about yourself, loved reading them. Second you have an amazing talent, I will drill that into you yet Waffle #2 and thirdly a BIG happy Birthday to your little oh oooops I mean BIG man! So gorgeous.
Hugs Kel x
Awe he is adorable!!
Happy birthday to him!
WOW, thanks for thinking of me, I'm flattered.
You are so funny, who knew you were a hair person! I have a friend that owns a hair salon and she has a shirt that says "I'm a beautician, not a magician, don't ask me to do the impossible!!!! Your little guy is so cute and I love that he is busy doing art in the picture you shared. My daughter's birthday is
Wednesday! Thanks again Missy, you know I think you are one of the sweetest gals I know. And I have loved seeing your confidence in your work grow.
Thank you so much for the award, I am so flattered that you thought of me, it is also good to see you are embracing your inner wierdo, it's no fun being one of the normal people :)
Happy Birthday to your little sweetie, I love those eyelashes, gorgeous! also good to see him with a sesame street colouring book, I love sesame street, still, and so do my boys, they kiss elmo when he comes on the tv.
Hi mate, firstly happy birthday to the little fella! Looks like he is following his mums skills in colouring there, very good! Well done on your award, you are a star and deserve it, you put such an effort into your cards, its amazing. And finally thank you so much for the award, it really put a smile on my face and im sure that your one of only a few people that read it anyway so it made my day! Your not weird you are unique, I love it so don't change! Have a great week! Tracey x
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