I usually shy away from these sorts of posts because I don't want to seem boisterious amounst a sea of talented crafters. Sometimes I feel like the little people, the newbies, folks like me get overlooked when I know, I KNOW, how much heart and soul we all pour into our creations, the last thing I want to do is have a Nanee-nanee-booboo Look at me!! Look at me!!! moment. On the other hand, I have allowed myself to appear ungrateful in what I thought was a shot at modesty, so here we are, a fine medium, I think. I hope.
Well, to start off, I have been sent an award from my dear boss lady
Kellie,you know, that fiery red-headed, Magnolia-lovin' waffler from Down-Under and so as to stay on the ball, I am tending to it right away!!

However, this award comes with contingencies and this is what they are:
Answer the question with only 1 word and then
Pass it on to 5 others, so without further ado,1. Where is your cell phone? hatephones.
2. Hair? yes.
3. Mother? yes.
4. Father? yes.
5. Favorite food? pastries.
6. Dream last night? maybe.
7. Favorite drink? coca.
8. Your dream/goal? vagabond.
9. What room are you in? livingarea.
10. Hobby? collecting.
11. Fear? fake-blood. you rock me like the real thing and if it were the real thing,
it would scare me more.--Sifl & Ollie
12. Where do you want to be 6 years? NorCal.
13. Where were you last night? slaving.
14. Something you aren’t? slimshady.
15. Muffins? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16. Wish list item? patience.
17. Where did you grow up? SoCal.
18. Last thing you did? red-paint-disaster.
19. What are you wearing? crooked-smile.
20. Your TV? bunnies.
21. Your pets? stinky gatos.
22. Friends? few.
23. Your life? hectic.
24. Your mood? restless.
25. Missing someone? always.
26. Vehicle? american-muscle.
27. Something you’re not wearing? tuxedo.
28. Favorite store? no.
29. Favorite color? gweeeeeeen.
30. When was the last time you laughed? .....?
31. Last time you cried? 5 minutes ago.
32. Best friend? make-believe.
33. One place you go over and over? crapper.
34. Facebook? ugh.
35. Favorite place to eat? free.
Phew, those hyphens really make a difference, hahaha.
Now, I must pass this onto 5 others and they are......
Claire at
Crafty Bits by Hope JacareJulia at
Indiana Julia and her Temple of CraftingSue at
Sue's Rubber Stamping AdventureTracey at
Handmade with LoveTropicLuv at
Cards in Paradise,
I got that pumpkin bread recipe up hun!!
Now ladies, don't worry about getting to this, if you can, then go ahead, but if not, no worries :) I could possibly be the worst blog award reciever out there, so no worries if a monosyllabic quiz doesn't strike you as top-priority. I certainly won't take it personally, after all, worst passer outer right here!!
*************GOOD NEWS*************The adoption papers have been processed & finalized & it is now official: I am a bonafide Adopted Aussie!!!
Kellie has invited me to stay on as a permanent Design Team member at
Magnolia Down Under Challengesand
Magnolia Down Under, the shop!! Hot diggity dog!! Thanks Boss Lady!!
*************MORE GOOD NEWS**********There must have been something in the water that week
because a couple of my last Magnolia creations have gone and
won me some awards!!
DT-MDU Edwin the Chef was SPOTLIGHTED at
Saturday Spotlight with Hidden PotentialPilgrim Tilda, the Thanksgiving card I made for my great aunt
won the challenge over at
Stampin' For The Weekend, it was a wonderful sketch and I can barely wait to play with that WOJ stamp!! It will be my first :) Pilgrim Tilda got placed in the Top over at
The Pink Elephant and she has also been displayed on the
7 Kids College Fund store blog. How cool is that??! Tab is a sweetie, and I have noticed that she gets her Maggies in before other U.S. shops do, hint hint...
On a sadder note, my great aunt passed away this past Tuesday,
so it is a little weird to have this card I made for her getting
such rave reviews, however, I did take it with me when I flew out
to California to see her for the last time and I brought the card
along and gave it to her. She used to make porcelain dolls and
that is one of the reasons why I like Tilda so much, she reminds me
of the little baby dolls my great aunt used to make, sniffle sniffle.
Rest In Peace, Aunt Jamie.

It's been a great pleasure to have something, or somethings upbeat happen in such sad times, so thanks to all of you that have come by and visited and left me such nice thoughts. Thank you soooo sooooo much. And Kellie, thank you!! I've been walking on air since I got your email, I am so glad you've chosen me to be your Adopted Aussie, it must be my blonde hair...No. No, it is the Wizard of Oz thing!! Kidding, but I sure do love working with ya and our random chats and analogies, ha!! Thanks for listening to me, or reading along with my melancholy days, it means a lot to me.